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Chemical Search

Cayman Chemical Company

Country: USA

1180 E.Ellsworth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Phone: 800-364-9897 (Customer Service)
Phone 2: 888-526-5351 (Technical Services)
E-Mail:E-Mail this Supplier

Structure Search for Cayman Chemical Company

Cayman Chemical Company helps make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with biochemical tools used to understand cancer, neurochemistry, oxidative injury, endocrinology, atherosclerosis, and other human health challenges. Our scientists are experts in the synthesis, purification, and characterization of biochemicals ranging from small drug-like heterocycles to complex biolipids, fatty acids, and many others for use as research reagents and qualified standards. We are also highly skilled in all aspects of assay and antibody development, protein expression, crystallization, and structure determination. In addition, we offer a wide range of analytical services using LC-MS/MS, HPLC, GC, and many other techniques. Cayman performs generic drug development and production in both Ann Arbor, Michigan and Neratovice, Czech Republic.

Product List: 21,109

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