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Country: USA

4000 Industry Road
Powder Springs, GA 30127 - USA

Phone: 770-943 6202
FAX: 770-439-0369
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Contact: Andrew Nesbit

Fine Iodine Chemistry

The Ajay group of companies has been a leader in the field of iodine chemistry for over 45 years. Using a formula of high quality products, total attention to the customer's needs and a consistent and continuous supply of iodine derivatives, we have developed a loyal customer following. Our reliability as a supplier has earned for us a single-source or partnering position for many years with several large multinational iodine derivative consumers. We have grown to be the largest consumers of elemental iodine in the world, and can offer a portfolio of iodine products that is unmatched in our industry. We are particularly adept at producing rare or special iodine compounds and welcome the opportunity to work with customer research and development departments.

More Than Iodine Derivatives

The ability to provide specialized services, products and programs designed to meet the needs of each individual customer means you can count of Ajay to be more than a material source. In fact, our history of service and attention to the customer's needs has long been our greatest pride. We will gladly provide references from a satisfied customer base to attest to our capabilites. Our group of skilled and quality conscious personnel have diverse backgrounds in areas such as organic and inorganic chemistry, plant and equipment design, product handling and processing, and nutrition. They, along with our research and development department, are always at the customer's disposal to answer questions, solve problems and provide technical assistance.

Committed to Quality

The Ajay commitment to quality is unrivaled in the iodine industry. All manufacturing units have achieved registration to ISO-9001 standards as one step in their effort to provide the highest quality products and services available. Statistical process control and ongoing employee training are tools which enable us to provide the superior product consistency demanded in today's marketplace.

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